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StreetArt ✎

"- My son, do you want to hear something strange?
– Yes! What?
- You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week.. Up until around the year 2050 people generally did not have paintings on houses!
– What? Were they grey?
- Well, yes, many were. Often they would paint villas in One colour, like blue or yellow, but very rarely in more than one or two colours and almost never any pictures. Most apartment houses and government buildings and so on were grey. Artists sometimes went and painted on tunnels, grey municipal buildings and so on, but the pictures were washed away! By the government!
– …Was art forbidden?
- Well no, but it had to be in special buildings only. Some people felt that houses was not to be painted on, except in one pale colour all over.
– Wow.. How dull.
- Yes, my son. Now lets get our jackets and go pick some fruit."

Ein Freund von mir hat heute StreetArtUtopia  auf Facebook gepostet. 
Das darf man keinem Menschen vorenthalten dachte ich mir!!! 

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1 Kommentar:

  1. This pictures are so amazing! like them. nice art
    Shall we follow each other (via google friends)? Would mean a lot to me <3 . Let me know


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